My craft, my passion, my uniform.

My story starts 30 years ago when I graduated from hairdressing school and could call myself a hairdresser.

Over the years, I have had a fantastic journey in the hair industry.

I have worked for some of the most influential brands within the industry, allowing me to travel and meet hairdressers and barbers from all corners of the world.

I got interested in technics and processes early on, which led me to teach for a couple of global brands. As a result, I have got to work with some of the greatest names in the industry.

Later in life, the business side got my attention and developed the salon business through education. However, my passion and dedication are my driving force.

One of my most vital impressions of all hairdressers and barbers worldwide is our willingness to pass the knowledge to the next hairdresser or barber. This sharing culture is genuinely fantastic. The never-ending strive to become better and share knowledge is always inspiring and drives the whole industry forward.

Some of the fantastic people that I have met and worked with are now great friends, and one of the strongest reasons I love being a hairdresser is the shared passion and pride for our craft.

When I got the urge to start my brand, it was easy to pinpoint what I wanted to do.

I want to create things that salute and strengthen my passion for my craft.